Springtime is an excellent time to assess the health of mature trees, since their leaves remain relatively low on their branches, making it easier to detect damage caused by winter storms or signs of pest infestation.
At this time, it is recommended that homeowners prune any branches that rub against one another or scrape against the trunk, and any dead branches. The experts at Toledo Ohio Tree Service (Visit Website) mentioned that – Pruning will help improve airflow through a tree’s canopy while simultaneously decreasing risk for disease.
Springtime is also an ideal time of year to plant new trees and shrubs, as doing so allows for improved root establishment and provides trees time to secure themselves before the intense heat of summer hits.
When planting trees, it is crucial to mulch their surrounding area in order to conserve soil moisture. Furthermore, ensure your newly planted trees receive adequate irrigation – whether with a soaker hose or drip irrigation system in place – in order to help them adjust and thrive. Overwatering can lead to fungal diseases that affect the roots.
Summertime is an opportunity to experience all that nature has to offer: fresh strawberries, peaches and watermelons can be found everywhere you look! Additionally, play outdoors as much as possible and take advantage of warm temperatures by going camping.
Wood represents growth, reaching and hope. Now is an excellent time to cultivate our focus and creativity; perhaps try something new or set goals for the future!
As part of their overall tree health monitoring plan, summertime is an ideal time for inspecting roots and canopy of your trees for signs of stress or disease. With increased soil evaporation during this season, it’s essential that regular and consistent watering be performed – particularly with leaves off trees making structural defects more visible – it’s also an opportune moment to add soil conditioners that improve drainage, aeration, nutrient availability and drainage for maximum benefit of trees.
Autumn brings with it beautiful changing leaves and vibrant colors, but also represents an essential period in tree health care. Appropriate fall tree care helps trees make an effortless transition into winter dormancy by protecting against disease infestation, pest damage and severe weather damage.
As autumn progresses, mulching your trees and adding nutrients can be an invaluable way to promote a healthy soil. Mulching provides protection for roots while helping regulate temperature regulation and suppressing weeds while simultaneously improving absorption rates for nutrients.
Fall is the ideal season to plant new trees and shrubs because their roots can establish stronger root systems quickly in cool, moist soil – increasing their chances of surviving harsh winter conditions. A professional arborist can assist with selecting trees that thrive in your planting zone as well as inspect them for structural issues or safety hazards that require immediate attention.
Even though trees seem dormant during winter, they still experience harsh climatic conditions that may impact tree health and wellbeing. From ice storms to snow-laden branches, harsh winter conditions may damage or destabilize your trees, leading them to decline and even be damaged and removed entirely from their roots.
Trees utilize several strategies to quietly survive winter. These include flexible membranes, natural antifreeze solutions and glasslike supercooling to protect their living cells from freezing over.
Newer trees with thin bark (such as sassafras, maples, oaks, elms and arborvitae) can be protected from winter damage by covering them with burlap or plastic tree guards – this prevents herbivore gnawing, antler rubbing and girdling from occurring.
Pruning late winter helps plants enter dormancy more effectively by cutting away dead and diseased limbs, inspecting trees for structural issues that might otherwise go unseen, and taking mindful walks in nature-rich environments such as Forest Bathing (taking mindful walks to increase mental wellbeing and wellness).